The Biggest Tip For Success


I am a little bit of a success junkie. I set my mind to it, and nothing stops me from getting exactly what I want. And my success on craigslists was no different. I knew I needed the money, so I devised a way to make money, put that plan into action and started making money.

But don’t let this fool you. I was NOT successful first try. It takes a bit of trial and error to get the perfect system down before you start getting success. And that is the case for anything that you do. Odds are that you will NOT be successful first time out of the gate.

I could spit out hundreds of tips on the best way to be successful, but in my experience, there is one tip that you need to have above all the others.


What Is Hustle

Hustle means a few different things, but the one I want to focus on is this definition:


to move or work in a quick and energetic way

Basically what it means is DO SOMETHING. Take the action to start the trial and error process. The more you do, the more you learn. The more you learn. The more you can adjust and make more money,

I show a few ways to use craigslist to make money here, but this will NEVER make you a dime if you don’t put it into practice. There are a lot of people in the world who want to sit on their butt and have money just roll into their back account. And there actually are ways to do stuff that can almost get you there (affiliate marketing, writing books, etc). But none of them will magically make you money. Every single thing takes work to get started. I am a firm believer that if you put in the work, you will be successful, regardless if you are trying to put money on autopilot to live your dream life or you are trying to just earn a few extra bucks on craigslist. You need to get up, take action, and work to make it work.

Other people will take the action, then get discouraged because it didn’t work the first time. Did you ride your bike without training wheels for the first time? Probably not. You probably fell into the bushes a few times. But you got up, brushed yourself off, and KEPT GOING. If you truly want to be successful in your life, regardless of what it is, hustle is the key. Set a goal, create a plan, work the plan.


To Your Success!




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  1. monica
    11 years ago

    Hi. I like the topic of this blog, good tips!! ……I’d like if you can post about how people can post in craiglist without spam, if it is possible could you share some examples. Thanks

  2. admin
    10 years ago

    Hi Monica – ask and you shall receive! Here are some tips about how to avoid being a spammer!